2023 Christmas postcard project: 100% SPONSORED (Dec17)
FINAL NOTE: It is now early January. We are thankful to the Lord and to many of you for your generosity. By December 22nd, the entire amount for the 2023 project had come in, given by friends on both sides of the Atlantic. The extra funds will be in the Postcard Project account for next year. May the Lord use some of these 50,000 to bring the true peace of Christ to ones who search for it.
This is the 14th Gospel postcard project and the focus this year is on Jesus being the Prince of Peace. On the front is the phrase, "A Child is born -- the Prince of Peace", in Basque and Spanish. On the back there is a brief text explaining how that the peace our world so much needs is only found in Jesus. There is information so that the recipients can contact any of the three Baptist churches in our province.
This year we will again be targeting three areas: our Goierri towns (21 in all), the Rentería area (where David pastors), and the Hondarribi church plant near the French border. This means that in late December, approximately 51,000 homes will receive this year's Christmas Gospel cards. If you would like to help fund the postage and printing for these postcards, please follow the instructions below, next to the project map. Thank you for acting on your love for the Lord and His Gospel. Our prayer and confidence is that the steady sowing of the Gospel seed in these homes will result in fruit as the Holy Spirit works in hearts. *You do not have to cover the cost for an entire town -- an undesignated donation will simply be applied to one of the larger towns until they are fully sponsored. Thank you! |
Click on the towns on the map to see how many homes they have and the cost to deliver a postcard to that town.
GREEN PIN = Unsponsored town (available to adopt) ORANGE PIN = Partially sponsored RED PIN = Already sponsored List of towns: Beasain($520) Ordizia($380) Lazkao($200) Zegama($55) Segura($55) Zerain($9) Mutiloa($11) Gabiria($15) Ormaiztegi($46) Idiazabal($85) Olaberria($38) Ataun($60) Itsasondo($22) Legorreta($60) Arama($7) Altzaga($6) Zaldibia($50) Gaintza($7) Zumarraga($410) Urretxu($260) Legazpi($320) Renteria($1,250) Hondarribi($550) HOW TO SPONSOR For online giving, click on the WWNTBM link below and select Postcard Project in the GIVE menu. If you send in a check, simple designate it as "Gospel Postcard Project" or the town's name that you wish to sponsor. If you have any questions, write me at [email protected] or text me on WhatsApp at +34690995402. Thank you! Andy Bonikowsky World Wide New Testament Baptist Mission (click for webpage) P.O. Box 725 Kings Mountain, NC 28086 |