Opa's Devos for Kids (The YouTube links are still audio)
I record these audio devotionals for my grandchildren. If they can also be a blessing to any children you know, great!
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Rich, Genesis 13:1-4
Some people think that being rich is bad. But that is not what the Bible teaches. It can be dangerous, but it can also be a reward from God and a huge blessing to others. Abraham became very rich, but he did not let his many possessions take his eye off of the Lord. (OD53) Spreakers: https://www.spreaker.com/episode/40403294 August 19, 2020 |
Obedience, Genesis 12:4-9
How important it is to learn to obey! At first, our parents, but ultimately, to learn to obey God. He always knows what is best. Abraham sets a great example for us. (OD52) Spreakers: https://www.spreaker.com/episode/40261767 August 14, 2020 |
Leave, Genesis 12:1-3
God interrupted Abram’s life with a command and a tremendous blessing. He told him to leave his country and extended family to move to a place where God would make him a great nation. (OD51) Spreakers: https://www.spreaker.com/episode/40261768 August 11, 2020 |
Babel, Genesis 11:4-9
People often think they can outsmart God, or that they can disobey Him and get away with it. But nobody is as wise and powerful as God, and He will always win. In this story He knows exactly how to get Noah’s descendants to scatter and populate the earth. (OD50) Spreakers: https://www.spreaker.com/episode/40056232 August 7, 2020 |
One Speech, Genesis 11:1-3
Nowadays many people know two or three languages, or at least know somebody who speaks a different language. But before the flood that was not the case. (OD49) Spreakers: https://www.spreaker.com/episode/40056230 August 3, 2020 |
Noah’s Family, Genesis 9:18-20
So Noah and his three sons, and the four wives, left the ark and God told them to fill the earth with family! (OD48) Spreakers: https://www.spreaker.com/episode/40056130 July 30, 2020 |
The Rainbow, Genesis 9:11-17
God gave a sign to go with the covenant or agreement He made with Noah, his family, and the animal kingdom. (OD47) Spreakers: https://www.spreaker.com/episode/39775287 July 18, 2020 |
The Covenant, Genesis 9:6-10
After Noah and his family, and all the animals, leave the ark, God establishes a covenant with them all. It is basically a promise He makes to all of creation, one that He will confirm with a sign. It is unconditional, nothing man could ever do would be able to cancel it. (OD46) Spreakers: https://www.spreaker.com/episode/39775286 July 15, 2020 |
Animal Fear, Genesis 9:1-5
After the flood, the world was different in many ways. One of these changes came in the relationship between man and the animals. Fear of man became a natural reaction in the animal kingdom. (OD45) Spreakers: https://www.spreaker.com/episode/35363971 July 5, 2020 |
Noah’s Altar, Genesis 8:20-22
The first thing Noah did was build and altar and thank God for his protection. The Lord was happy with that and promised to never again change the whole world with a flood like that. (OD44) Spreakers: https://www.spreaker.com/episode/35363967 July 2, 2020 |
Goodbye Ark, Genesis 8:14-19
So after an entire year, Noah and his family, and all of the animals, leave the ark! The walk into a new kind of world in which there are no animals except the ones that came out with them. (OD43) Spreakers: https://www.spreaker.com/episode/33225019 June 25, 2020 |
Goodbye Dove, Genesis 8:10-13
Seven days later Noah tries again, and this time the dove brought back an olive leaf in its mouth. Noah waits one more week before sending the bird back out, and it never returns. He then sticks his head out of the top opening and sees that the earth is indeed dry again! (OD42) Spreakers: https://www.spreaker.com/episode/32240415 June 21, 2020 |
The Raven and the Dove, Genesis 8:5-9
There were things God did not tell Noah, things he had to find out for himself. Sending out a raven and a dove was using his common sense to find the will of God. (OD41) Spreakers: https://www.spreaker.com/episode/30317582 June 16, 2020 |
God Remembered, Genesis 8:1-4
God never forgets anything! But God teaches us with words that we can understand, and here He wants us to realize that He will always act at the right time. (OD40) Spreakers: https://www.spreaker.com/episode/30317581 June 11, 2020 |
The Flood, Genesis 7:17-24
So after all those preparations, 100 years of building, 7 days of getting the animals and supplies in, it finally began to rain. And it rained like crazy, for 40 days and 40 nights, until the highest hill was covered. (OD39) Spreakers: https://www.spreaker.com/episode/29890221 June 8, 2020 |
God Shut It, Genesis 7:11-16
I’m sure the door to the ark was pretty big and I don’t know if Noah had prepared a way to shut it from the inside. But that didn’t matter, because God was going to be the one to shut the door. (OD38) Spreakers: https://www.spreaker.com/episode/29264221 June 4, 2020 |
Flood preps, Genesis 7:5-10
As they went through the last week of preparations, Noah was obedient and faithfully followed the detailed instructions God gave him. His family, all the animals, and the necessary food were loaded into the ark. (OD37) Spreakers: https://www.spreaker.com/episode/28343918 May 31, 2020 |
Clean animals, Genesis 7:1-4
God gave Noah clear and simple instructions about who and what was to go on the ark. There were eight people, his close family, and certain kinds and numbers of animals. (OD36) Spreakers: https://www.spreaker.com/episode/28343917 May 26, 2020 |
Two of Each, Genesis 6:17-22
It was going to be a time of miracles. Not only would God bring a flood, but he would guide exactly one couple of each animal, straight into the ark Noah had built. (OD35) Spreakers: https://www.spreaker.com/episode/27743286 May 19, 2020 |
The boat, Genesis 6:13-16
What is an ark? What is a boat? Noah may have asked the same question, we’re not sure. But what we can be sure of is that he was surprised at how big it was to be! (OD34) Spreakers audio: https://www.spreaker.com/episode/27568875 May 17, 2020 |
Noah, Genesis 6:8-12
But Noah. What a wonderful little statement! There was one man in the middle of all those sinful people who was working hard to keep his family clean, and God saw it. Spreakers audio: https://www.spreaker.com/episode/27145833 May 12, 2020; OD33 |
God is sorry, Genesis 6:5-7
Can God be sorry? Yes. He can be sorry, though never surprised. Here He speaks in dramatic terms so that we will understand that even He feels pain when we sin. Spreakers audio: https://www.spreaker.com/episode/27018142 May 10, 2020; OD#32 |
Enoch, Genesis 5:22-24
He is probably the only man in history to walk right into heaven. In this unusual story of Enoch, God is making a statement. He wants us to realize how important it is to walk with Him. Spreakers audio: https://www.spreaker.com/episode/26753550 May 6, 2020; OD#31 |
Consequences, Genesis 4:12-15
The consequences of sin are often big, much more serious than we usually imagine. Here we find out what happened to Cain after killing Abel and lying to God. Spreakers audio: https://www.spreaker.com/episode/26684149 May 4, 2020; OD#30 |
Abel’s Blood, Genesis 4:9-11
God knew exactly what had happened, but He spoke to Cain in a way that helped him understand there was nothing he could do to hide his sin. Spreakers audio: https://www.spreaker.com/episode/25857608 April 28, 2020; OD#29 |
First Death, Genesis 4:6-8
Nobody had ever died before. And we don’t know how he did it, but somehow Cain killed his brother Abel, and for the first time in history, human blood was poured out on the ground. Spreakers audio: https://www.spreaker.com/episode/25857607 April 25, 2020; OD#28 |
Offerings, Genesis 4:3-5
Cain and Abel bring offerings to the Lord, Abel from his lambs and Cain from his garden. God accepts Abel’s offering but not Cain’s, and Cain become very angry. Spreakers audio: https://www.spreaker.com/episode/25857502 April 23, 2020; OD#27 (The YouTube links are still audio) |
Babies, Genesis 4:1-2
For the first time ever, babies are born, two boys. This is the first family in the world. Spreakers audio: https://www.spreaker.com/episode/25639470 April 17, 2020; OD#26 (The YouTube links are still audio) |
Clothes, Genesis 3:20-21
One of the first reactions Adam and Eve after they sinned was to try to clothe themselves, since they suddenly felt so naked and vulnerable. They used fig leaves, but God had other plans, and killed an animal to provide proper clothes for them. Spreakers audio: https://www.spreaker.com/episode/25126639 April 10, 2020; OD#24 (The YouTube links are still audio) |
The Curses, Genesis 3:16-19
After God spoke to the snake about the consequences of his ugly behavior, He turns to the woman and the man, to tell them what will happen because of their sin. The world will be very different from now on. Spreakers: https://www.spreaker.com/episode/24963878 Apr 8, 2020: OD#23 (The YouTube links are still audio) |
More blaming, Genesis 3:13-15
When God asked Eve what she had done, she blamed the snake! So God spoke to the snake and cursed it, promising a war between its family and the woman’s, ending in the destruction of the snake. Apr5, 2020; OD#22 Spreakers audio: https://www.spreaker.com/episode/24790268 (The YouTube links are still audio) |
Blaming Eve, Genesis 3:10-12
God asked Adam if he had eaten from the forbidden tree and instead of answering the question and being sorry, he pointed to Eve and blamed her. In a way, he even blamed God because He had given her to him. Apr 2, 2020; OD#21 Spreakers audio: https://www.spreaker.com/episode/24739338 (The YouTube links are still audio) |
Hiding, Genesis 3:7-9
When Adam and Eve ate the fruit and sinned, the immediately knew something was very wrong. One of their reactions was to hide as soon as the heard the voice of God calling them for their stroll through the garden. (March 31, 2020; OD#20) Spreakers audio: https://www.spreaker.com/episode/24672180 (The YouTube links are still audio) |
Bad voices, Genesis 3:4-6
It is very dangerous to have conversations with people who say things against what God has told us. How important to know what voices to listen to and what voices to run from. (March 25, 2020; OD#19) Spreakers audio: https://www.spreaker.com/episode/24287640 (The YouTube links are still audio) |
Bad Questions, Genesis 3:1-3
Questions can be good or bad, often depending more on the attitude with which they are made than with the actual words. In this episode we se the first, very bad question made by the snake. (OD#18, March 19, 2020) Spreakers audio: https://www.spreaker.com/episode/24052345 (The YouTube links are still audio) |
Surprise!, Genesis 2:21-23
When God had Adam name the animals He was also setting him up for the surprise of his life! (OD#17, March 16, 2020) Spreakers audio: https://www.spreaker.com/episode/23951120 (The YouTube links are still audio) |
Smart and Lonely Adam, Genesis 2:18-20
Adam was extremely intelligent. And one of the first jobs he ever received from the Lord was to name all the animals. But this chore was more than just a job on the list. God wanted Adam to notice something that wasn’t entirely good, and set him up for the surprise of his life! (OD#16, March 11, 2020) Spreakers audio: https://www.spreaker.com/episode/23762332 |
Work and No-Rules, Genesis 2:15-17
Is it good to have to work? God made work before sin ever entered the world. It was part of His plan for man. But at the same time He made some rules, and it’s important to understand why. (OD#15, March 9, 2020) |
The Rivers, Genesis 2:10-14
For some reason God gives us more details about the garden, telling us about a river that gushes out of it and turn into four more! We don’t understand everything about them, but we know they were beautiful and helped make Eden the perfect place for man. (OD#14, March 6, 2020) |
A Man, a Garden, Two Trees, Genesis 2:7-9
Now God gives a little more detail about how He created man and He also tells us about a beautiful garden with two special trees. (OD#13, March 4, 2020) |
The Seventh Day, Genesis 2:1-3
God created for seven days and then rested. Was He tired? If not, why did He rest? (OD#11, February 24, 2020) |
No death, Genesis 1:29-31, In this passage we learn something that may sound pretty strange. When God made the animals and people, none of them ate meat! (OD#10)
The Best For Last, Genesis 1:27-28, God saved the best for last! After all the earth was filled with plants and animals, it was ready for God’s final creation. (OD#9)
Animals and Man, Genesis 1:24-27, In five days of creation, God has done a bunch! But the earth is still quite empty, so this sixth day becomes very special! (OD#8)
Fish and Birds, Genesis 1:20-23, We have earth and water and sky. We have plants and trees, but there is very little movement! Good is going to change that on this next day! (OD#7)
Sun, Moon, and Stars, Gen. 1:14-19, God had already made the light a few days earlier. But now He creates something new and special that fits with the light. (OD#6)
Earth and Trees, Gen. 1:9-12, So far we have seen God create in two days the light, dividing the day from the night, and water, and the heavens. What will happen on the third day? (OD#5)
Heaven and Water, Gen. 1:6-8 After the first day of creation we have day and night, that's all! But then God continues His creating work and adds more things to the world He is making. (OD#4)
The First Day, Gen 1:4-5 (OD#3)
Light, Gen, 1:3 (OD#2)
God made everything, Gen. 1:1 (OD#1)
The Best For Last, Genesis 1:27-28, God saved the best for last! After all the earth was filled with plants and animals, it was ready for God’s final creation. (OD#9)
Animals and Man, Genesis 1:24-27, In five days of creation, God has done a bunch! But the earth is still quite empty, so this sixth day becomes very special! (OD#8)
Fish and Birds, Genesis 1:20-23, We have earth and water and sky. We have plants and trees, but there is very little movement! Good is going to change that on this next day! (OD#7)
Sun, Moon, and Stars, Gen. 1:14-19, God had already made the light a few days earlier. But now He creates something new and special that fits with the light. (OD#6)
Earth and Trees, Gen. 1:9-12, So far we have seen God create in two days the light, dividing the day from the night, and water, and the heavens. What will happen on the third day? (OD#5)
Heaven and Water, Gen. 1:6-8 After the first day of creation we have day and night, that's all! But then God continues His creating work and adds more things to the world He is making. (OD#4)
The First Day, Gen 1:4-5 (OD#3)
Light, Gen, 1:3 (OD#2)
God made everything, Gen. 1:1 (OD#1)