But he was wrong. God gave him another chance.
And as long as God keeps you and me alive, it means there is hope.
(Genesis 17:1--And when Abram was ninety years old and nine, the LORD appeared to Abram)
Abram was almost 100 years old, which was well over half what he could expect to live. Though many years before God had spoken to him directly, positively, and generously, there had been some issues. He had made some serious mistakes along the way and it seemed like his usefulness for the Lord had expired. Apparently the son of Terah had blown it one too many times.
But he was wrong. God gave him another chance. And as long as God keeps you and me alive, it means there is hope. (Genesis 17:1--And when Abram was ninety years old and nine, the LORD appeared to Abram)
Whenever the tiniest spark of self-confidence or self-importance is kindled in our thoughts, we do well to extinguish it quickly by remembering who God chooses: the Foolish and the Weak. (1 Cor. 1:27)
Our heroes did it. Abraham waited for Isaac; Joseph waited an extra two years in prison; Moses grew old waiting in the desert; David waited on the run from Saul for years; Even Jeremiah sometimes waited (42) for God's answer. So, rather than fret, fuss, complain, and generally be miserable over it, let's embrace it and grow through it, because it's His Perfect Will at the moment! Ps. 27:14
December 2024