A little while later I was at the supermarket paying for my groceries. The friendly cashier lady had gloves and a mask on. I had gloves on. Every person in the store had gloves on. But she gave me my receipt in a little plastic box, which she immediately proceeded to disinfect after I took out the receipt. Wow.
No, I would not have believed you if in February you had told me these measures would be in place. There is something out of whack in our modern world right now, and I’m not referring to the virus itself, as serious as it may be. My goodness, I never realized how easily the entire global culture could be upended.
As I thought about the technician and his receipt, and the subsequent supermarket exchange, a passage came to mind that I had read this morning. The Lord Jesus was walking through a city when a man “full of leprosy” saw him. The leper fell down before him and begged him for healing, surely expecting to be kept at a safe distance because of his condition.
But Jesus reached out with His hand and touched the man. Wow.
That contact must have been the most comfortable and tender touch the man had ever felt.
Those of us who believe in the very same Lord have a glorious hope before us. For as we each try to figure out how to honor both God and the human authorities in this crisis, we look forward to a celestial home, a place where there will be no death, no sorrow, no crying, and no pain. That definitely means there will be no virus either. We will not have to maintain social distancing, nor be afraid of spreading or receiving invisible germs, because the Lord will be right there in the middle of it all. And no plague can exist that would ever disturb His eternal City’s beauty, health, or joy.
Luke 5:12/Rev. 21:4