To those who have never suffered for their faith at the hands of wicked authorities, this verse will probably come as a shock. The raw details may make some of us cringe because of how little they match what we could have imagined.
But that in itself should make us think. This has nothing to do with our imagination, or John’s for that matter. It is all about the reality of power and justice. Undoubtedly, this scene will be quite appreciated by millions of believers who down through the centuries have suffered brutally at the hands of evil people.
They will not at all be upset to know that the Lamb coming back is also the Lion. He is not only grace and kindness. He is truth, and power, and justice.
Finally John sees a fourth name, written boldly and where it is easy to read: KING OF KINGS and LORD OF LORDS. It speaks of ultimate authority! Jesus Christ has no rival. Nobody stands a chance against Him. Absolute victory is already His.
What a ride is before us! AB
(Revelation 19:15-16