But perhaps what should most worry us is this: WE ARE ALL THINKING ABOUT THE VIRUS MUCH OF THE TIME.
Millions are spending way more time than usual on the web, watching, listening to, or reading about the pandemic, with a mindset that is between mildly concerned and completely panicked. Obviously, it is a result of the barrage of information that we are allowing others to hurl at us. We are not only wasting a ton of time, we’re doing it foolishly. It is harming us. By zeroing in on a lot of negative news, some of it hype and based on ignorance, we are playing right into the hands of our enemy. Satan delights in creating and then spreading confusion. And there is quite a bit of that out there right now.
Somehow this does not fit what we are supposed to do, not as Christians anyway.
We are commanded to be in control of our minds, and God tells us exactly how to think and what to think about.
This does not mean we are to be purposefully dumb and mute, to ignore what’s going on. No, but we are to be in charge of our brains, making them work in profitable directions, guiding our thoughts towards useful and helpful goals. Those around us need to see that we who name the Name of Jesus are calm, sensible, serene, and composed. We have a different mindset, and it allows us to be quick to help, in whatever ways are most beneficial. And that doesn’t necessarily mean immediately forwarding everything we receive on social media, like robots, because the piece of information pushed one of our emotional buttons. We need first to make sure to THINK.
And yes, there are plenty who do, so I’m also grateful for the thoughtful and kind communication of those who love the Lord with all their hearts, and souls, and MINDS, and are keeping their wits about them.
May the Lord help us to be light in a very dark world.
Philippians 4: